Monday 12 September 2011


When i was in lower secondary, i was wondering what chemistry is actually. My seniors told me that chemistry is a subject where u going to learn about chemicals,mixing colorful solutions and getting smokes(its actually gas) from it.When i went to Form 4, i got to enter a science stream class and that is the moment where i was excited that I'm going to learn chemistry. However, it wasn't as interesting as i thought it were. First of all, i got an old chinese man as my teacher for chemistry who is waiting to get retired. I had difficulties in understanding his teaching and i always get an C or D grade for my tests. At that moment, i hated chemistry to the max. Then, my teacher retired after 4 months and i got a new young malay lady as my chemistry teacher. I was unlucky cause she is a trainee and is afraid of students. My friends and me go to lab not to do experiments but play with the chemicals and flames. The unforgettable moment was when the teacher cried in front us,begging us to stop playing a fool and start studying. however, we were the same till the end of Form 4 and my results never had any progression. In Form 5, i had an awesome old chinese lady called Mrs.Poh as my teacher who made me to like chemistry. She is the one who thought me what CHEMISTRY is actually.

Chemistry is actually a reaction between two things when it comes in close contact with each other. Chemistry involves structures, composition, bonding, properties,calculation(molarity,volume,etc) and many more. No one can be escaped from the word chemistry. When a water boils,the moment we start eating(digestion),in order for body systems to work,it needs impulse from chemical messenger,when we breathe,cleaning clothes, cooking(baking), vehicles and many more which involves or specifically requires chemistry. Moreover, medicines that we take to cure our sickness also involve chemistry. Chemistry is the fundamental base for synthesis of drugs(medicine).Not only that, i also learned that feelings between two person also requires chemistry. Thus, chemistry is everywhere and its unavoidable.

However, chemistry also can be dangerous if it is not handled in the correct manner. Some chemicals are very reactive and if it is mixed together,it can cause burn to our skin or burn the entire lab. Thus,precaution must be taken when handling chemicals.

All this was thought to  me by Mrs.Poh and since that i started to score my tests and exams with an A. She is the reason why I'm doing Pharmacy now. Chemistry is the main subject in the pharmacy course and it is interesting as we will learn to handle with lots of chemicals and their properties by doing experiments(preparation,identification tests, and assay). Oh yeah when i say experiment,it sounds cool and interesting. However after all the experiments,here comes the annoying part of it where we have to write lab reports regarding our experiment. The annoying part is the DISCUSSION, where we'll be spending more time in completing the report and also this is part where it carries the most mark. Like it or not,u still have to do it. I also realized that chemistry requires memorization and u need 1TB hard disk in your brain.

Whatever it is,its still fun to learn Chemistry!
Chemicals turn into Medicines and this is my Profession (to handle with it)


  1. look like a great chemistry lecturer normally will be the Chinese ladies...

  2. yaya , sometime the lab very danger >..<
    mz take precaution.

    nice post :D

  3. oh luckily u got Mrs Poh! i m glad that i got a gud tcher for the 2 years...ya act the lab is fun...but it will be better if v juz nid to du n observe without doing the report~ isnt v cm to skul to learn , n not collecting the mark? =)
    nice post~ but how is the feeling of two person/ couple do wif chemistry?

  4. I want to know why chemistry relate to 2 person?
    OMG! cant believe that u are playing in the lab with flames! DANGEROUS u know? XD i do played in lab when im in secondary skul too. heehee
    I think everyone hate discussion too! most annoying part!

  5. william : u cant tell like dat right... there is other race teacher who can teach well too...n of coz most of dem ar chinese..i agree wit u..

    hilary: thanx.. so next time we be careful in the lab k... dun 'terbakar pulak' the lab... ;)

    yekjia: yea true also...its better if we learn chemistry by doing experiments and not report...dat wil b fun and more interesting.. and bout the feelings,when u see a person that u are attracted to,your body will release more adrenaline.. as a result,your heartbeat will increase and u will get excited.. some people would feel like this at times..i have experienced it..haha.. besides,according to Dr. Helen Fisher(wrote an article bout Why We Love) found that levels of the chemical dopamine rise in a person who is infatuated, particularly as the relationship starts to take on more meaning. it simply means that ur sympathetic nerves are activated(BASIC PHARMACO).. ;)

  6. doris: we was in the same boat ler...playing a fool.. dat time we use play wit Bunsen burner..(first time see ma,normal la)..all of us will hate discussion to the max...we shud folo discussion..haha

    bout the feelings,when u see a person that u are attracted to(like imran,ur face turns red aite),your body will release more adrenaline.. as a result,your heartbeat will increase and u will get excited.. some people would feel like this at times..i have experienced it..haha.. besides,according to Dr. Helen Fisher(wrote an article bout Why We Love) found that levels of the chemical dopamine rise in a person who is infatuated, particularly as the relationship starts to take on more meaning. it simply means that ur sympathetic nerves are activated(BASIC PHARMACO).. ;)

  7. nice blog...

  8. Nice blog nanthini, and very good explanation... especially about the chemistry between 2 person... that was awesome... This shows that even feelings has chemistry... hahaha... i agree that lab is interesting, and fun.. everyone hates doing report, including me... Glad that u had a good lecturer for ur secondary school, unfortunately i had opposite one... =)

  9. jothy: tanx jo.. wont forgt de moment we had to write discussion for our organic n physical chem...terrible la... nw u having gud lecturer aite so its gud enough d.. :)

  10. heyy nanthini! your blog is proof that if the lecturer who teaches chemistry is interesting....that is makes the subject 'interesting' for sure we will look forward to coming for the lecture! however if teacher makes the subject damn boring and not easily understood....sheesh its just not a nice feeling at all! :)

  11. what* makes the subject interesting

  12. yes u are rite ruqi...teacher or lecturer play the main role in bringing up a student's interest in the subject..thank god,i only wasted 1year not learning chemistry cause after that i had awesome lecturers... :)

  13. nice work nanthini. really productive and i totally agree that we need to really memorize alot of things!

  14. cool blog nanthini really informative :)

  15. gud article nanthini...n i like chemistry because of mrs.Poh also...c is really great..

  16. Nice post~
    Btw, is it the Mrs Poh mentioned in your article is the same Mrs Poh mentioned by Galai in her blog?
